President Hage G. Geingob has developed the concept of assigning various annual themes to set the tone for the Government and the country at large, guided by the principles of accountability and transparency. Each year since assuming Office in 2015, President Hage Geingob has characterised a theme in an effort to set the right tone to inspire enhanced and effective public service delivery.
Declaration of Yearly Themes by President Hage G. Geingob, 2015-2024
Year of Planning
President Geingob declared the year 2015 “The Year of Planning". “Planning is non-negotiable because, as philosopher Benjamin Franklin wisely put it, failing to prepare is preparing to fail,” President Hage G. Geingob stressed
Year of Implementation
Having succeeded in launching “the Harambee Prosperity Plan I”, 2016 was next declared “The Year of Implementation”. Recognising the need to expedite Harambee Prosperity Plan I implementation
Year of Rededication
So as to deliver on the mandate by implementing planned programmes. president Geingob committed the Governmnet to account annually fo rthe status of the implementation of those Plans. "Our single-minde resolution as a Government is to rdedicate ourselves to the full implementation of our goals and objectives during 2017. This is, therefore, the Year of Re-dedication," said President Hage G. Geingob.
Year of Renocking
The year during which the Government takes stock and is accountable for its achievements and shortcomings. 2018 saw greater emphasis placed on good governance, accountability and service delivery. According to President Geingob, laziness in the public sector, including failing to acknowledge received correspondence, will not be tolerated in 2018.
Year of Accountability
The year of accountability calls upon us to rise to the challenges facing Namibia. “It is a defining year, in which we either decide to hold hands and pull together to consolidate and build upon our hard-earned gains or risk losing the decades of progress we have made since 1990,” President Hage G. Geingob said.
Year of Introspection
“I have termed this year 2020 the Year of Introspection. A year in which we, including Your Excellencies, must all undergo extensive soul searching to define our place, purpose and role in the quest for a better life for the citizens of this country,” President Hage G. Geingob stated.
Year of Resilience
“The year 2021 brings with it a new promise of renewal and a new dawn of hope,” President Hage G. Geingob said. President Geingob emphasised that it would be pivotal, requiring the full participation of the nation with the goal of societal development and advancement.
Year of Reimaging
President Hage G. Geingob urged the country to move forward with renewed enthusiasm and vision and form a new and different mental picture by thinking differently.
Year of revival
This means a year of renewed hope and optimism to revive the country’s economy. “The year 2023 is about reigniting the strength of a resurgent nation, a nation that looks into the future with renewed hope and optimism. It is time for our collective revival—to shape our future, one step at a time, as we march towards shared prosperity,” said President Hage G. Geingob.
Year of Expectations
“We are on course in our ambition to leave Namibia in better shape, come March 2025. The foundations of the Namibian House have been strengthened. Namibia is on course for a sustainable economic revival.
With these words, on the eve of the year 2024, the Year of Expectations; the Year of Elections, it will be a new beginning for the Namibian House.
With each New Year, the promise of better opportunities is inevitable. With each New Year, we develop bigger expectations and ambitions. In order to seize the opportunities that are in line with our ambitions and expectations, we should redouble our efforts to make Namibia a better country. I call on each one of you to work harder for our collective welfare. I call on all of you to hold hands and to ensure that no one feels left out of the Namibian House.” President Hage G. Geingob, on the occasion of the New Year 2024.